
If you think Jesus is the Messiah or not, He was and still is the most influential Man that ever existed. It goes without saying, but His death is the most famous recording of all time. He was beaten, spit upon, whipped to a bloody mess, mocked continuously, and forced to carry a cross (a representation of our sins and His mercy). All because He served the Father. And though He knew His final death blow would be His lungs collapsing on Him… Slowly causing Him to suffocate, with then, a spare piercing Him through His side, and worst of all, sin falling upon Him… He chose to rescue us, intercede on our behalf, to save us from our own damnation… He chose us instead of Himself… He chose to serve rather then to be served!!

With all that He knew about us, our self serving (rebellious) attitudes accompanied with sex, lies, and greed. He still stepped in… And because of that, we get to experience the Love and Joy of the Father.

Unfortunately, a large number only see the outward benefits that came along with serving Christ. All those miracles that were performed when He walked on this earth, like healing the sick, making the lame walk, and causing the blind to now see. These blessings should not be what makes us seek after Him. For this is/was only a fraction of who our Lord is. Yet, this is the mantra of most believers. The “what I can get”, instead of “what I can give”, while supposedly walking with the Lord.

But, what was that something greater?? A message of truth, rebuke, and most importantly repentance unto salvation. His life, was more then just about living for oneself, but to live a sacrificial life for others. (Matthew 23:9-11) To preach/teach the word to all of those who were spiritually hungry, and to receive the greatest title of all, that of a servant. He is the truest example of what it means to walk by faith, showing all of us that we can live a life to serve, and to do the will of the Father. To be selfless, instead of Selfish. Putting the needs of others before ourselves.


This is why the Apostles deaths are so miraculous and defining in their own right. When each one of the Apostles were being threatened of execution they could of simply denied Christ, for little to no accountability was around. They could of been Selfish, instead of holding fast to the words of God.

So… What would of drove these men (all of His true Apostles) to still confess and profess the same story of what they knew and saw of Jesus Christ?? Knowing that their fate would most likely end with their blood being shed. Not for our sins, but for the same love that Christ had for the Father.

It’s because… These men knew what they saw, and they experienced a true transformation from their old lives to their new. They were no longer crippled to the thought of deaths sting… For by grace through faith these men were led to repentance serving the Father rather then serving themselves. (Ephesians 2:8-9).

For they could of easily denied Him and His teachings. Each one walking away, and maybe being able to enjoy another 30, 40, or 50 years on this earth. But… They chose a life to serve, sacrificing what they had, knowing that this earth was not their final resting place. (Hebrews 13:14).

They chose a life to be the image of Christ. Even when they were threatened, beaten, and tortured… They chose Him. They chose to be chained in dark cells meant only for the most defiled human beings, rather then a penthouse or a suite. They never wavered on what they encountered and the transformation that they had. They became martyrs… And like Christ, these men chose to take their Fathers message to the cross. **** See How did the Disciples Die?



– FilthyTruth

If we can, put ourselves in their shoes, if only for a moment. Would we be able to live the same way?? Would we be able to count the cost of what it takes?? Or, are your grips so tight, to the things you have, that you can’t even fathom letting go. You rather have your hands bleed wrestling with God for materials, then to bleed wrestling with the devil for souls. We confess and convince ourselves this is what (material/job) “God gave us”. Yet, to sacrifice everything, we need to sacrifice/burn the one thing that keeps us bound to this world. That one thing, we think is our lifeline to “better” serve Him. This one thing needs to be destroyed, no matter how sweet it’s aroma may be, if it keeps you from Christ… You need to walk away… This is how we serve the Father. Not by having the best car or climbing the corporate ladder, but by reaching out to all those who are lost and are yearning for a better way.

And.. As the Lord said in Mathew (10:28-38) fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell… (33) whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.. (38) he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me. (39) He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.


These Men were dedicated to serving the Father and being the example of Jesus Christ. When they took up their cross they knew their blood could potentially be shed. They chose to live a life to serve Him and not themselves. That what they encountered was not just empty words, but of a supernatural design to become closer to our Creator.

It should give any of us a deeper respect and a greater belief on who our Lord is, knowing that Christ and these men never wavered, acknowledging what was at stake. Sending a message of repentance to all of those who would listen. Doing their best too reach as many as they can, while bleeding along the way. And… if we accept to walk with Him, that we too will have salvation, have a heart to serve others more then serving ourselves, and to be strong enough (if need be) to take His message to the Cross!!

********** 🙂 Smile!!


  1. Really powerful article and a great reminder of what this life is meant to be live and be a living Sacrifice rather than just to chase after the world like the “white picket fence” etc…