The church has designed an atmosphere were prophesy has outweighed the word of God. People cling to the words of a man before they cling to the truth of God’s word. This environment has become the “lions roar” as the church try’s to satisfy the masses with warm feelings and an outreach arm. Giving a false hope and security to those that need a savior.

Prophesying or a better term “Profit-lying”

The Charismatics strongly convince you that the “prophet” is truly hearing from God. There’s only one catch. I hear from God as well, and it’s called reading my Bible. There is a strong draw/pull in the church today to directly hear from God… Yet, they choose a man or woman instead of the word God designed/created for us to follow. They convince many, that if you go against these prophets then you are shutting the mouth of God and you are hindering, not only your walk, but theirs also.

So that’s how they get you. They convince you that you are somehow being disobedient to the word of God and blaspheming against the Father. Therefore, you’re being defiant, and raising your fist to the Lord. For who really wants to hurt others walk with God?? Therefore, most shut their mouths and look the other way even if they know those people are grossly incorrect.

But it’s much deeper then that. We will hit up three types of prophesying.

The Heart Prophet “False Prophesy”

Ezekiel 13:1-9

This is very dangerous within the charismatic movement. These prophesies are visions of ones own admissions. They offer great remedies like hope, peace, love, and prosperity. They call themselves great advocates for the Lord, reaching to the lost and hungry (in spirit). Yet, I’m not even sure God has ever spoken to these people. In fact, He cast them out, these so called “Prophets”, having His hand against them, according to Ezekiel 13. (Please read Ezekiel 13)

These people chase after their own desires and lusts. They distort the word of God, yet truly believing God is using them, and the sad truth is, that most Christians become deceived by their messages. Being convinced to hold strong to the prophets word instead of God’s word. In return, this mass illusion leads them back to the prophet that once deceived them. Making them the God that now reigns in their life.

UPDATE: Many were asking.. So here it is.. What is an example of a heart prophecy?? A heart prophecy is seeing someone sitting in the seats and telling them. You will be married this year, or God is going to bless you with large amounts of money. They go so far to say, If you wait for this man or woman, God will open their eyes and you will be together. Desires that God never Called are now being considered for absolution to God’s Word.

This environment has become the “lions roar” as the church try’s to satisfy the masses with warm feelings and an outreach arm.

– FilthyTruth

I’ve seen this myself. Most, if not all of the time, it is an encouraging word. For so many believe, that bad/damming prophesy is “not” of God. Apparently they missed the Old Testament. This is an attempt to lift the person up and make them wanting to come back for more… More specifically, to have them continuing to come back to the church.

These are all “false prophesies of the heart”. It is, and can be, very occultist… It may profit their church, but it does not profit Gods Kingdom in any way. Instead, it creates an environment where people yearn to come back to hear the next false prophet, so they can feel like God is finally paying attention to them.

False Prophets “False Prophesy”

Of course, this is the worst one of all. These men and women unlike the “Heart Prophet”, in my opinion, live to truly deceive people for gain. This can be for political power within the church or just to become popular, so people start following them instead of following God. These people are the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Infiltrating the church to convince you there is another way. You need to know, God says clearly, that you should never fear any of these false Prophesies/Prophets. For in Deuteronomy 18:20-22 if their prophesy does not come to pass then you have no fear of who they are. For they are liars, and the Lord is not with them. Interestingly enough, you see false prophesy happening all throughout the Charismatic movement. Every time someone gets a prophesy wrong about someone, or something, they spew out garbage like “well, we can’t be a hundred percent”. Yes… Yes you can. All of God’s prophets, were just that, a hundred percent.

Therefore, when you are chasing after these “prophets”, you are chasing after your own flesh (heart) desiring that to which God does not have for you!!


If these “prophets” are blinded to their own heart, their own desires… or worse, their eyes are open, and they are purposely deceiving those who are searching for truth. Then they are all men or women warring against the Father. And it may be hard to say or even hard to hear, but they (False Prophets) are not of God, and the heart prophets at best our confused milk drinkers looking for our Savior. Worst of all, it is very difficult to tell the two apart. For the blinded is just as dangerous as the ones who are purposely deceiving. Both are evil and will lead to death. Be careful searching for God with signs and wonders, for His truth is only in His word.

God’s Prophet “True Prophet”

There really isn’t much to say, but that there are (probably) no more prophets. They have all passed. The prophets that continue with us are the ones that God used to write His word. These were great men of God, who gave everything they had to serve the Lord. For if we prophesize (Speaking of future events or having people convinced of the prophets authority over God’s word), are we not trying to add to the word of God?? And in what way should our words have more power over God’s word?? I have seen my share of deception and these people are in the show to be the light, but they are not the way!!

True Blasphemy Part (**2**) (**3**)