Below is How these Great Men died… even Judas . ——> 🙂

All of these deaths are theory. We cannot be a hundred percent sure that any of these men died the way historians think they did. All of this information is based off of data or manuscripts collected over time.


Apparently when Peter was confronted by the Roman Soldiers, he asked to be crucified upside down. He did not want his death to be equal to that of Jesus Christ. He felt he was not worthy. It’s is also a good note to mention that Peter was married, and it is believed she was martyred first. Peter had to watch His wife go in front of his eye’s. It is said, he spoke to her words to the effect of “Remember though the Lord”. Again, these words may be a stretch.

Location: Died in Rome


He was beaten and then tied to a cross. The Greeks tied Andrew instead of nailing him so he would suffer for a longer time then Christ did.

Location: Died in Greece?? He did travel to Asian Minor, Russia, and Turkey – Supposedly he was the First to be Martyred

James (son of Alpheaus and Son of Zebedee)

In Acts 12 it is said that Herod order his men to kill one of these called James. They Executed him by the sword. When Herod saw it pleased the Jews he went on to capture Peter.

There is also another report of a James who was stoned and then beaten with a club. They believe it was around 90 A.C. when he was executed.

Location: Died in Syria


Preached in Greece and India. It is reported that he angered local religious figures where they conspired to kill him, driving spears through his chest.

Location: Died in East India, Chennai


He was arrested and then put to death. It is believed it was by crucifixion.

Location: Died in Hierapolis, Turkey


There are multiple accounts on how he died. Some say he was beaten and then crucified, and others apparently say he was skinned alive. Which one would you choose?

Location: Died in Albanopolis, Caucasia

Simon – the Zealot

Some say he was crucified, others believe he was killed for not worshiping another god.

Location: Died in Samaria, Israel


He is the only disciple not to be killed like the rest. He was exiled to the island of Patmos where he wrote the final book of in the Bible – Revelations. It is also said he was thrown into boiling oil and had no harm brought to him.

Location: Died in Ephesus


Most accounts say he died in Ethiopia. Apparently the King of Ethiopia ordered one of his men to kill him. This man found him while praying and stabbed him to death.

Location: Died in Ethiopia

Judas Iscariot

It is said Judas died two separate ways. He did not. It is two perspectives. Matthew 27:3-6 says he died by hanging (which is true). Acts 1:15-20 says he suffered a great fall and burst (which is true). How? Hanging in the hot sun allowed his body to gas for hours and decay at a much quicker rate. The rope then broke or his head snapped off, bursting bodily fluids all over the ground.

Location: Died in Jerusalem, Israel

Notable men of the Bible not Part of the original 12.


He apparently was last seen with Andrew, but he did not suffer the same fate of the cross. Unfortunately, It is believed he was burned alive, or stoned. Not sure what’s better.

Location: Died in Jerusalem, Israel

Fun Fact: Matthais was to replace Judas Iscariot. Acts 1:24-26 24 Then they prayed, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen 25 to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.” 26 Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.


The man who wrote most of the New Testament. Paul, was, simply put, beheaded.

Location: Died in Rome