Do all miracles have to be supernaturally seen?? What do I mean by this?? The twelve disciples were great men of God and they were in arms reach of touching Jesus Christ. They ate with Him, shared a sleeping space with Him, prayed daily with Him, and even helped Him in healing the infirmities of others.

Did they need a constant miracle in their life to serve Him?? I don’t believe these men did. I’ll tell you why…

Oh How We Fall

As of today, we are far from the church of our Father’s. In today’s church we seek miracles to always confirm our relationship with God, and so many of us constantly need affirmation of God’s love through signs and wonders. We unknowingly turn away from His living word to serve our emotional desires. We flock to the the prophets/prophetess, or better termed “Profit-liers”, instead of obeying the word of God.

I’ve seen this myself, through ministry… Too many people deal with this desire of confirmation, and each one is the same. They continually ask “Why are you (God) not using me??” This is the strength of the devils perception and it thrives mostly within the charismatic movement, though, signs of this can be seen anywhere, I believe this deception holds a special place within these people. They need to feel that “rush” or “explosion” that they are receiving something from God. The word is second or even third to their nature of serving Him. It mostly boils done to “God is telling me…” The spiritual go screw yourself for most people. “Because my God is bigger then this bible”?? Really God is bigger then Himself??

Unfortunately, the sad truth is, that the church feeds this desire of self pity and egotistic mentality. This is why the Pentecostal church is so strong. They are like the dopamine effect to a drug addict. Just another hit and I can feel no more worries of this world. I can believe I’m something greater or more special then the person next to me because I’m “more spirit filled” then you. They get in this “high” or “drunkenness” (Isaiah 29:9-14), their words not mine, to allow them to think that God’s will is moving in their life.

I’ve seen so many struggle with this false preaching of addiction. Begging to have a taste, because while they are in church it is the only time they truly believe they are connected to “Our God”, and to often nothing changes in their life. They once again find themselves looking for another hit, just to feel or believe they are back in the will of the Father. Or worse… They never truly examine the word of God because of this euphoria or altered state of consciousness.

Self Serving

So when did serving ourselves through our experiences become the drum we beat to acknowledge our salvation?? So many people want to be a prophet, apostle, or healer like these false teachers that they follow. They wonder if what “God” is doing for these leaders, then where, or when, is God going to do it for them?? They constantly struggle with finding God’s will because they lost all touch of who God really is. Or maybe they never knew Him?? Maybe they lost all touch with who God is, because it’s not the same God from the bible.

They compare themselves with these people who are part of “the show”. Trying to figure out if they just had “more” holy spirit then, they too, can serve God like those who are on stage. That they can get to the next tier and become that man/woman people flock to for guidance.

We stumble over encounters instead of doing what He asked us to do in the first place, and that is to follow His word, and to be a servant unto Him. To many people believe in this movement, that unless they have miracles, or they are the ones doing the miracles, then they are far from the will of God.

That is the furthest thing from the truth. It’s not about seeing, but having faith on who Christ is (John 20:29)… It’s about following Gods word, and that means you’re following Gods will, because you are following Christ.

To serve others and to put your needs second to theirs, and to only direct those who are lost to Him. To do His will, and to fill that void that you so desire to fill, is to walk in His word. To allow the word of God to manifest itself in your life. To be a living testimony of what God pulled you from and to know God has given you internal salvation.

Never turn God into a business of titles in which you can gain. Instead, be that greatest title of all… That of a servant!!

– FilthyTruth

This is what it means to be the Christ like example where ever you are. Not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34), but to live only for Him no matter what desk you sit behind. Not seeking for a cheap thrill, loud music, or someone giving you a “direct word from God”, but to live out every word. Never turn God into a business of titles in which you can gain. Instead, be that greatest title of all… That of a servant!! (Matthew 23:9-11)